Our Mission and Purpose

we pastor pastors

Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 1Corinthians 3:8


•We support the vision and mission of the national pastors and the local churches they serve.

•We support by walking alongside of the church leaders as a pastor,  mentor and coach.

•We support by giving personal counsel and ministry guidance to pastors.


•We offer training for church leaders and church member’s spiritual growth.

•We train by consultation and teaching sessions with local church leadership teams on pertinent topics of church governance and spiritual oversight.

•We train by assisting the local church in establishing bible schools.


•We encourage pastors and members to become all God has made them to be.

•We encourage by building relationships and modeling healthy ministry methods.

•We encourage by promoting Christ-centered identity in church leaders.

•We encourage through our regional representatives of Instep Ministries in each nation.


•We provide financial assistance to pastors periodically.

•We provide finances for specific ministry tools for churches.

•We provide mission teams that assist in building construction, staffing camps and helping with other needs identified by the national pastors and churches.

•We provide resources of materials to assist the teaching ministry of the churches.

•We provide conferences to promote fellowship and need specific training.

We are Committed to Help “Antioch” churches

The church at Antioch in the New Testament became a training center that was very active in the mission of planting new churches in many regions.

•We believe God has called us to assist and give direction to those pastors and churches with an “Antioch” vision.

•Through these churches we envision thousands of new churches being planted across Eastern and Western Europe.

•We will help them to develop and improve their leadership skills in planting churches and becoming an equipping center for missionary work.

•We will connect them to other ministries who can resource and help them.